Friday, April 3, 2020

Chemistry Wiki

Chemistry WikiStudents at some colleges, whether public or private, may require knowledge of Charles MacNair and Chemistry Wiki, which are a student portal for chemistry subjects. The subject is one that has a lot of theories and discoveries. It's even part of the history of science.Our body is made up of five major components. These are the cells, DNA, muscles, organs, and skin. These were discovered by Charles MacNair and ChemWiki in 2020. They were an effort to use the internet to bring more information to science courses.Charles MacNair was a chemist and a researcher, especially at Massachusetts General Hospital, and was involved in research involving experiments and studies on human patients. He also conducted research using human beings for research purposes. One of his experiments involved inserting stomach linings with varying levels of alcohol into goats.MacNair created several experiments that consisted of using cheese to feed rats and mice for testing on how alcohol affect ed the brain. This was one of the main experiments that he did during his work in the mental institution at the time. His work was very important and contributed to the study of humans and other animals in science.MacNair's work led to the development of laboratory conditions and chemicals that were used to conduct chemical reactions. There were some changes in the way chemistry was taught during his time, and it did not involve as much effort as it did when he was working at Harvard. During his tenure at Harvard, he also worked as a field director and assistant director in chemistry courses.In addition to the chemistry lessons, Charles MacNair's book The Chemical Basis of Biology, which focused on the basic science of the body, contained many contributions to the process of biology. This book was particularly influential on those who are interested in animal, marine, and plant biology.Charles MacNair left his mark on the field of chemistry by founding The Chemical Basis of Biology and also creating the International Organic Chemistry Organization. His contributions to the field of biology can be seen today, and his book can be bought for free on Wikipedia.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Location of Internal Organs Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace

Location of Internal Organs Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace The tissues unite to form the organs which perform a specific function. The internal organs are located inside the body and they unite to form the various systems which perform a large function. Each organ system is made up of different organs. Nervous system: The nervous system is divided into a central nervous system and a peripheral nervous system. Central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord. Brain is located inside the skull or cranium. The spinal cord is contained within the spine, extending from the base of the skull to the second lumbar vertebra at the base of the spine. Circulatory system: The circulatory system helps in the transport of nutrients and oxygen. It includes the heart and the blood vessels. The heart is located in the thoracic cavity between the lungs. Digestive system: It helps in digestion of food materials. It includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.Esophagus is in the cervical region and in the posterior mediastinum. The stomach, small intestine, large intestine etc. are located in the abdominal cavity. Respiratory system: it helps in the exchange of CO2 accumulated in the blood for oxygen in the airways. It includes the nostril, pharynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles and alveolus and the lungs. They are located in the thoracic cavity. Urinary system: It is responsible for the excretion of waste materials and to maintain proper ionic balance. It includes the kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder and urethra. They are located in the abdominal cavity. Kidneys are located on either side of the vertebral column on the back. Reproductive system: It is involved in the production of male and female gametes and by fusion produce the next generation. Most of the male reproductive organs are located outside the body around the pelvic region. Female reproductive system is located in the pelvis region.

Friday, March 6, 2020

46 Spanish Adjectives List to Describe Peoples Personality [Infographic]

46 Spanish Adjectives List to Describe Peoples Personality [Infographic] Suzy S. Spanish adjectives are crucial to learn and memorize if you want to be fluent in Spanish.  Spanish adjectives will help you describe places, things, and especially people! If youre learning  Spanish, you might already know a few basic nouns and verbs to carry on a conversation. Now is the perfect time to start learning some extra, descriptive words! There will be many times in conversation when youre looking for just the right word to describe a quality or trait, and our Spanish adjectives list is sure to come in handy for each of them. In this post, well share how to use 46 of the most common Spanish adjectives. (You’ll also be able to download a free worksheet to practice all the new vocabulary you’ve learned at the end!) How to Use Spanish Adjectives There are a few ways to form  sentences with Spanish adjectives. Here are some examples to get you started. Juan es muy mentiroso. Siempre dice cosas que no son verdad. Mis padres tienen un carácter fuerte, pero son muy amables. Tengo mucho sentido del humor y por eso soy gracioso. In most cases though, youll use the verb ser  in combination with an adjective. For example: Ella es simpática. Ellos son graciosos. Nosotros somos organizados. Learning how to conjugate the verb ser  will be a huge help when it comes to using adjectives properly. Now, are you ready to learn some new words? Here are 46 Spanish adjectives that will help you describe yourself, your friends, and your family. (Some of these words can also be used to describe places and things). The Ultimate Spanish Adjectives List Additional Practice with Spanish Adjectives Want even more practice? You can download a  free worksheet here  to review the vocabulary above and practice forming sentences. You can also check out these additional resources to help you learn more about Spanish vocabulary and grammar: 7 Easy Tricks for Memorizing Spanish Vocabulary Spanish Vocabulary: Feelings and Emotions in Spanish Intro to Spanish Verb Conjugation | Tips, Charts, More 75 Spanish Cognates to Know We hope you enjoyed this guest post by Sara from Spanish2Learn. Can you think of any more unique Spanish adjectives to add to this list? Let us know in the comments below! Need Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Antoine K

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Anti Derivative

Anti Derivative The method of finding the Antiderivative of a function is also known as the method of Integration. There are two types of antiderivatives, one being the indefinite integrals where the constant c is includedin the answer of the function. The other type of antiderivatives is the definite integrals where the constant c is not included and the final solution of the antiderivative is computed by substitution of numbers. Example 1: Find the anti-derivative of the function, f(x) = 8x3- 10x + 9 The Power Rule of Integration says that (x) n dx = x (n+1)/ (n+1) + c where c is a constant Using the above formula we get, f(x) dx = 8 * x3+1/ (3+1) 10 * x1+1/ (1+1) + 9x + c f(x) dx = 8 * x4/ 4 10 * x2/ (2) + 9x + c f(x) dx = 2x4 5x2 + 9x + c Example 2: Find the antiderivative of the definite integral value of the function, f(x) = 3x2 + 2x and x ranging from 0 to 2. xn dx= x(n+1)/ (n+1) Apply the above formula for the given function, we get (fx) dx = 3* x2+1/(2 + 1) + 2*x1+1/(1 + 1) f(x)dx = x3 + x2 First substitute x =0 and x= 2 in the above answer. When x=0, f(x) dx= 03 +02= 0 When x=2, f(x)dx= 23 + 22 = 12 Now subtract 12 - 0 = 12 Hence the antiderivative of given f(x) is 12.

Where to Find Photography Classes in Cardiff.

Where to Find Photography Classes in Cardiff. Learn the Art of Photography in the Capital of Wales ChaptersWhy Consider Photography School?Cardiff’s Opportunities for Photography Classes.Cardiff, with its distinctive character, its quick route into the countryside and to the sea, and its ever-growing cultural life, is a fertile and instructive place to learn photography, to learn how to take a photograph, and to learn what best to do with it next.Because photography is not simply a process of ‘point and shoot’. It isn’t really what you do when you switch on your mobile phone camera. It’s not about sending photos via WhatsApp, Snapchat, or Instagram â€" or all the other platforms that are both a cause and a symptom of our world’s proliferation of photographs.Whilst we, right now, take more photos than any other generation in history â€" although the history of photography is a short one really â€" what we call photos take no effort. We see a cute cat and snap an image. We eat a nice meal, find a new dress in a shop, or see something we need to remember, and we take a ph oto. This is almost second nature to us now â€" and the photos we take are not the strange and magical things they once were.It would be hard for them to be. Because everywhere we look, we see photographs. Walking down the street, on a bus, or in books â€" not even to mention online â€" there are photographs literally all around us.And, whilst this is good for the professional photography industry â€" and for the media platforms we use to share our photos â€" it might not necessarily be great for the person learning photography. Because we take images for granted, and we don’t really recognise what it takes to produce an image that is beautiful, that is special, that stands out.For you that are here to find out about photography courses, you should know that it is this recognition that constitutes one of the most basic, and most important, photography skills.Let’s take a look at what else you need to know â€" and the reasons why you might want to join photography courses.Learn p hotography in Edinburgh too, or join a photography class in Belfast.Take your camera somewhere lovely. AllanPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPhotography Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TimothyPhotography Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Anosh nadeemPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoPhotography Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RosiePhotography Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MattPhotography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndyPhotography Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Consider Photography School?What we forget, in our over-photographed world, is that a good photograph takes a lot of skill to produce. The professional photographer exists for a reason: whilst we know how to shoot images on a cheap digital camera or smartphone, g reat pictures come from a lot of work, knowledge, and skill â€" as well as a bit of patience.To develop this photographic knowledge, sure, you can practice by yourself. However, some things are best learned through teaching. And if you want to be a photographer â€" a photojournalist, a portrait photographer, or a commercial photographer, or whether you want to get involved in food photography, street photography, sports photography or event photography â€" the best route is through formal lessons with an expert.There are a few reasons for this. Let’s take a look.Try photography classes across the UK or take a photography course in London.Photography Techniques, Technologies, and EquipmentPhotography is a discipline that involves a lot of different pieces of equipment, different bits of technical knowledge, and generally a lot of stuff beyond the camera. So, commercial photography brings with it the photography studio, the studio lighting, as well as the aspects of the camera itsel f, the shutter speed, etc.However, then there are the concerns with what happens to the digital image once you have taken the photo. Knowing how to photograph is not really enough â€" as computer software like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop are just important these days as the photography basics.This is important to mention because, whilst you may have all the passion in the world for digital photography or whatever, all this collateral material demands a lot of financial commitment, technical study, and an understanding of all the elements that make up a photo.Photography workshops provide the teaching of these elements â€" but they also offer the use of these technologies themselves. Rather than forking out hundreds of pounds for Photoshop, you can develop the skills you need in a photography class before you commit to the money.Timing is everything in photographyIndustry Connections and ContactsThe other really crucial element to learning photography is going to be the people you meet. Ask any commercial photographer and what they will say is that, without connections or a network of people, you ain’t going to go very far. With the commercial photography industry growing at a steady rate, there are so many photographers around these days. To navigate this, you need to know the right people.Knowing the right people means, in the industry, getting clients. It means having people help build your reputation for you. It means making a living from your work! Because, whether they are professors, peers, or people ready to pay you hard cash for your pictures, knowing lots of people in the industry is going to be a huge plus if you are trying to grow a photography business.Photography classes â€" particularly at degree level and beyond â€" are going to be an excellent opportunity for exactly this, as your institution will help you share your work with the people that matter. It’s a little mercenary, but it is true!Try a photography class in Birmingham or a photog raphy workshop in Liverpool!Continuous DevelopmentFinally, it’s worth pointing out some of the benefits of the photography class for those who don’t really have any intention of pursuing photography as a career. You guys are the hobbyists, the amateur photographers, potentially the people that enjoy the activity the most!However, if you are practising your art alone, it can sometimes be a little difficult to stay motivated, to find new areas that excite you, to keep progressing and progressing and progressing. You can find yourself just repeating the same things over and over again, producing photos that, sure, are nice, but lack the spark that kindled your love for the medium in the first place.A photography teacher can help you if you find this sounding familiar. They can show you new techniques, set you new challenges, and get you thinking of new subjects, ideas, or feelings to explore. It is, in the end, their job to stretch you â€" and being stretched is the most inspiring and motivating thing there is in a hobby.Find out where you can take photography lessons in Birmingham or Manchester.Try photography classes in Cardiff!Cardiff’s Opportunities for Photography Classes.And so, to Cardiff. We began this piece by saying that Wales’s capital city is a great place to learn how to hone your skills in photography. And it sure is.With universities, colleges, private photography studios, and photography tutors all offering lessons, there is plenty of competition in which you can find the perfect teaching style for you.So, strap on your camera â€" and join one of these photography courses in Cardiff today!Find photography courses in Leeds here or learn photography in Glasgow.Take a Photography Degree at One of Cardiff’s Universities.Cardiff has a big student community, with Cardiff University, Cardiff Met, and the University of Wales all having campuses in the capital.Honestly, this is great for anyone hoping to learn anything at all. Yet, it is particul arly good for everyone interested in something like photography: whether it is a professional photography degree or an evening class, most of these educational institutions offer some sort of course in the discipline.Photography degrees specifically run over three years, and you’ll learn both the technical elements of the camera and its technologies and the commercial elements of the business of photography. The combination of both is essential â€" and you’ll find yourself in a great position to start a career in photography once you have finished.Choose Yourself a Private Photography Tutor at Superprof.If it’s private tuition you are after, Superprof is the place to find it.Of the millions of private tutors we host across the world, eight are photography tutors in Cardiff! These guys charge an average of £16 an hour, and their specialism range from documentary photography to art and design, nature photography to digital image manipulation techniques.They are friendly, commit ted, and flexible â€" and will be dedicated to the things that you specifically need to learn. So, whether you want to get outdoors to snap some nature shots, or need a run through the latest Photoshop, you’ll find what you need with Superprof’s tutors.Get into the Countryside with Sarah J. Evans Photography.Whilst Cardiff itself has a whole load of excellent opportunities, just down the road there is the chance to perfect your skills in nature photography and in outdoor photography.Sarah J. Evans is a photographer who has been working in the field for years. She now teaches the art of looking through the lens in Cowbridge. And, whilst you might think that this is a long way to go for a photography lesson, you’d be a little daft if you did.If you are interested in outdoor photography, your best shots won’t come from the city. So, get out into nature and capture the beauty of the world.

College Board Sat Subject Test Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

College Board Sat Subject Test Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace SAT is a standardized and recognized test taken by high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors who wish to study in colleges and universities in the United States. SAT scores are usually sent along with the admission application to the colleges as it helps them recognize the academic knowledge of the student in the specific subject areas. Good SAT scores is surely one of the factors which increase the chances of easily getting accepted into a college as it reflects the understanding of the concepts learnt by the student. SAT test paper is divided into 3 subject tests: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing. These 3 sections majorly contain multiple choice questions and students have to pick the right answer from the given options. The Critical reading section consists of multiple choice questions based on comprehension passages where the student is tested in vocabulary, sentence structures, fragments, organization of sentence ideas etc. The Mathematics section examines the knowledge of the student in the topics like Algebra, Geometry, Probability and Statistics etc. This section consists of multiple choice questions and few grid-in questions. Students have to be careful while answering multiple choice questions since it consists of negative penalty. Hence its recommended not to guess any answers on the multiple choice questions since a wrong answer can deduce points from the score. Similarly the Writing section consists of multiple choice questions and an essay question which examines the students knowledge in error identification or paragraph improvement concepts.

Critical Reasoning Question 25 Teen Pregnancy - Private Tutoring

Critical Reasoning Question 25 Teen Pregnancy BobbiM Mar 25, 2014 In 2001, a local high school implemented a new program designed to reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy.   The program, however, failed to produce the desired result.   It the program had been successful, the dropout rate for female students would not have increased substantially in 2001. The argument in the passage depends on which of the following assumptions? A.            The number of teen pregnancies nationwide increased in 2001. B.           The number of teen pregnancies in 2001 was greater than the number of teen pregnancies in 1991. C.           Teenage pregnancy is a leading reason that female students leave school. D.           The program was mandatory of all female students. E.             Most 2001 female dropouts were not pregnant at any time during the year. Think you know the answer? The correct answer is C. This stimulus bins with the conclusion that a 2001 school program to reduce teenage pregnancy was a failure.   The evidence is that the female dropout rate increased during 2001.   The assumption must be that pregnancy is an important reason for a female to drop out of school.     (C) says this correctly. A is out of scope, B is irrelevant, D is out of scope, and E provides a reason to doubt the conclusion.

Elementary to Middle School Transition

Elementary to Middle School Transition If your child is just finishing up elementary school, youve probably heard it all year: the transition to middle school is a big one. Classes are more challenging, teachers expect more, and theres more homework, responsibility and pressure overall, says Eileen Huntington of Huntington Learning Center. How can you help your child navigate this major change? Huntington offers these seven tips: Set expectations. Give your child an idea of whats to come. Talk regularly about the specific aspects of the school experience that will be different, including: Size of school New surroundings Number of students Number of classes Amount of homework Teacher expectation changes Grade point average Discipline and behavior expectations Focus on time management. Its time to get serious about curbing those time-wasters and bad habits. Work with your child on establishing a daily routine and scheduling time for everything: school, sleep, dinner, homework, extracurriculars and free time. Discuss the importance of planning out study sessions and prioritizing homework assignments. Work on the organizational system. Good organization goes hand in hand with time management, and students who embrace both perform better academically and are less stressed. Invest in a large binder with folders for each subject to keep everything in one central place. At school, have your child divide the locker into shelves/slots for books, take-home folders and leave-at-school folders. At home, an accordion file, stackable letter trays or a file cabinet will assist your child in keeping track of graded homework and everything else. Also, these apps for digital organization are worth a look too: iStudiez Pro, Todoist, RescueTime and Scanner Pro. Build independence. Up to now, youve probably played an integral role in school. Its essential that your child begins to take full ownership of his or her school work and grades and feel the impact of any and all choices, both good and bad. As best you can, step back as your child moves into middle school. Put your child in charge. Empower your child. A big part of being independent is learning to advocate for oneself. In middle school, teachers want students to participate in class and come forward when they dont understand something. If your childs teacher doesnt grade a test correctly or mistakenly marks him or her absent, its on your child, not you, to point out those things. With teachers, those early first impressions matter. Take a tour. Many middle schools offer orientation programs for incoming students that include school tours and other valuable information sessions. Take advantage of this opportunity if available. If theres nothing formal in place, call the school to ask about tours and any informal mentoring programs that could help your child. Teach your child to recognize when to ask for help. In middle school, its still critical that you keep the lines of communication with your child open and watch for any warning signs that he or she might be struggling. However, your child needs to be self-aware enough to identify when he or she needs help. Start talking about how to manage stress and a heavy workload and what to do when your child feels overwhelmed. Middle school is a whole new ballgame, and its important to help your child prepare. Dont worry, though, adds Huntington. A little effort goes a long way to get students ready. Lay the groundwork now and your child will have a successful middle school experience. About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader.Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed. Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help at For franchise opportunities please visit

What to Consider Before Taking a Summer Internship

What to Consider Before Taking a Summer Internship San Diego College Tutor Tips: 5 things to think about before taking a summer internship Completing an internship over the summer is one of the best things a college student can do to secure a full-time position in their field upon graduation. Internships offer students the opportunity to business network and learn what a typical day on the job would be like. There are lots of internships available to students in every field, but one size does not fit all. Completing an internship can last anywhere from two weeks to three months for a summer session, some are paid while others provide only college credit, some are very useful, and others may not lead to much more than a line on the resume. There are some things college students should think about before lining up an internship, so they make sure they find the right fit. 1.     How long do you want your internship to be? Some students want to get just a little bit of experience or want to dabble in a few different fields before declaring a major. If this is the case, a two or three-week internship might be the best opportunity. Students wont have to commit an entire summer to one company, and they’ll still have time to take a summer course or maintain a part-time paid job. On the other hand, some internships pay students for their time and provide a more in-depth look at one specific field or career. These internships could be two or three months long and end up being the student’s sole commitment over the summer. Students should think about what their priorities are before making up their mind (READ: 7 Tips for Studying While Traveling). 2.     Can you get credit towards graduation? Its essential for college students to receive credit towards graduation; in fact, most internships require students to arrange for credit instead of being paid. However, earning elective credits is not the same as receiving credit in one field that helps the student get closer to graduation. Students should talk with an academic or career advisor on campus to make sure the internship is right for them based on their academic and career goals. 3.     How useful are the business networking opportunities? One of the primary benefits of a summer internship is the opportunity to business network with professionals in the field. Some internships provide tons of networking opportunities while others dont get students much closer to a job contract. Internships aren’t going to advertise their pitfalls, so its important for students to do a lot of research ahead of time including talking to upperclassmen in their major field of study to get some personalized advice. 4.     Are there any expenses or travel required? Most companies offering internships understand that students are working on a strict budget and that they may not even have their transportation over the summer. However, other positions require interns to incur a certain number of expenses or even pay for their travel. Students should think about the feasibility of any particular position to see if they can afford it and if their commitment will pay off in the end. 5.     What specifically do you want to get out of your internship? The most important thing for students to ask themselves is what, in particular, they want to get out of the internship at the end of the summer. Do they want to determine if a career field is right for them? Do they need to earn extra money? Do they want an introduction to a company theyve always dreamed of working for? Students are encouraged to make a list of questions they can discuss with their academic advisor or even ask during an interview. Planning ahead is the best way to make sure students can find the right fit when it comes to looking for an internship. Our private San Diego college tutors are full of great internship tips . Contact us today to book your tutor. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.